ACT_549550/2023 UPC_CFI_240/2023 Type: Interim conference Date: 06-12-2024 Time: 14:30 Action type: Infringement Action Parties: Oerlikon Textile GmbH & CO KG v. Himson Engineering Private Limited Language of proceeding: Italian Judge/Panel: Pierluigi Perrotti (Presiding Judge), Alima Zana (Judge Rapporteur) Carine Gillet (LQJ), Michel ABELLO (TQJ) Arrangement: Online hearing Location: Milan (IT) Local Division Hearing address UPC Milan Local Division, Second Floor, Courtroom A, via San Barnaba 50, 20122 Milan, Italy Online: a link will be sent by the LD Milan sub-registry to the parties and those who have anticipated their participation
ACT_549585/2023 UPC_CFI_241/2023 Type: Interim conference Date: 27-05-2024 Time: 10:30 Action type: Infringement Action Parties: Oerlikon Textile GmbH & CO KG / Bhagat Textile Engineers Language of proceeding: Italian Judge/Panel: Alima Zana (judge rapporteur) Arrangement: Onsite Location: Milan (IT) Local Division Hearing address UPC Milan Local Division via San Barnaba 50, 20122 Milan, Italy