Unified Patent Court welcomed U.S. Congressmen Darrell Issa and Ben Cline UPC received visit from Representatives Darrell Issa and Ben Cline on 18 June 2024 On 18 June 2024, the President of the Court of Appeal, Klaus Grabinski, the Registrar of the Unified Patent Court, Alexander Ramsay and the Presiding Judge of the 2nd panel of the Court of Appeal and member of the Presidium, Rian Kalden welcomed Representative Darrell Issa (California), senior member of the House Judiciary Committee and the House Foreign Affairs Committee and Representative Ben Cline (Virginia), member of House Judiciary Committee and House Committee on Appropriations. During the visit, an update on the UPC’s progress one year after it became operational was made by the representatives of the Court. The discussions further covered the impact of global patent litigation on both national and multinational jurisdictions, such as the U.S. and the UPC. Insights on how Artificial Intelligence is influencing intellectual property, with a particular focus on the patent system were exchanged as well. From left to right: Alexander Ramsay, Ben Cline, Klaus Grabinski, Rian Kalden, Darrell Issa