ACT_579338/2023 UPC_CFI_365/2023 Type: Public oral hearing Date: 13-02-2025 Heure: 09:30 Type d'action: Infringement Action Parties: Fujifilm Co. v. Kodak GmbH et. al. Language of proceeding: English Judge/Panel: Peter Tochtermann (Presiding Judgeand Judge Rapporteur; Peter Agergaard (Legally Qualified Judge); Dirk Böttcher (Legally Qualified Judge); Erwin Wismeth (Technically Qualified Judge) Arrangement: Onsite Emplacement: Division locale de Mannheim (DE) Hearing address Sitzungssaal III, Unified Patent Court - Mannheim Local Division, Schubertstr. 11, 68165 Mannheim. NOTE: The oral hearing will continue on 14.02.2025 at 9:30 AM CET
ACT_578818/2023 UPC_CFI_359/2023 Type: Public oral hearing Date: 11-02-2025 Heure: 09:30 Type d'action: Infringement Action Parties: Fujifilm Co. v. Kodak GmbH et. al. Language of proceeding: English Judge/Panel: Peter Tochtermann (Presiding Judge); Dirk Böttcher (Judge Rapporteur); Peter Agergaard (Legally Qualified Judge); Erwin Wismeth (Technically Qualified Judge) Arrangement: Onsite Emplacement: Division locale de Mannheim (DE) Hearing address Sitzungssaal III, Unified Patent Court - Mannheim Local Division, Schubertstr. 11, 68165 Mannheim. NOTE: the hearing will continue on 12.02.2025 at 9:30 AM CET
ACT_17365/2024 CFI 162/2024 Type: Public oral hearing Date: 28-01-2025 Heure: 21:00 Type d'action: Infringement Action Parties: Hurom Co v. NUC Electronics Europe GmbH Language of proceeding: English Judge/Panel: Presiding Judge Dr. Peter Tochtermann, Judge-Rapporteur Dirk Böttcher, Judge Piereluigi Perrotti Arrangement: It is the parallel procedure to ACT 17336/2024 UPC CFI 17336/2024 CFI 159/2024 Emplacement: Division locale de Mannheim (DE) Hearing address Sitzungssaal I, Unified Patent Court - Mannheim Local Division, Schubertstr. 11, 68165 Mannheim
ACT_17336/2024 UPC_CFI_159/2024 Type: Public oral hearing Date: 28-01-2025 Heure: 09:00 Type d'action: Infringement Action Parties: Hurom Co v. NUC Electronics Europe GmbH, WARMCOOK Language of proceeding: English Judge/Panel: Dr. Peter Tochtermann (presiding judge), Dirk Böttcher (judge rapporteur), Pierluigi Perrotti (judge) Arrangement: Onsite - see guidelines attached Emplacement: Division locale de Mannheim (DE) Hearing address Sitzungssaal I, Unified Patent Court - Mannheim Local Division, Schubertstr. 11, 68165 Mannheim
ACT_52698/2024 UPC_CFI_541/2024 Type: Public oral hearing Date: 12-12-2024 Heure: 13:00 Type d'action: Application for provisional measures (RoP206) Parties: G. Pohl-Boskamp GmbH & C. KG v. pharma-aktiva GmbH, ALDI SÜD Dienstleistungs-SE & Co. oHG, ALDI Nord Deutschland Stiftung & Co. KG, ALDI SE & Co. KG and Hofer Kommanditgesellschaft Language of proceeding: German Judge/Panel: Judge-Rapporteur Dirk Böttcher Arrangement: Onsite Emplacement: Division locale de Mannheim (DE) Hearing address Sitzungssaal I, Unified Patent Court - Mannheim Local Division, Schubertstr. 11, 68165 Mannheim
ACT_576606/2023 UPC_CFI_340/2023 Type: Public oral hearing Date: 27-11-2024 Heure: 10:30 Type d'action: Infringement Action Parties: Rematec GmbH & Co KG v. Europe Forestry B.V. Language of proceeding: German Judge/Panel: Judge-Rapporteur Holger Kircher Arrangement: Onsite Emplacement: Division locale de Mannheim (DE) Hearing address Sitzungssaal I, Unified Patent Court - Mannheim Local Division, Schubertstr. 11, 68165 Mannheim.
CANCELLED: ACT_545615/2023 UPC_CFI_219/2023 Type: Public oral hearing Date: 09-10-2024 Heure: 10:00 Type d'action: Infringement action Parties: Panasonic Holdings Corporation v. Xiaomi Technology Germany GmbH a.o. Language of proceeding: German Judge/Panel: Peter Tochtermann (Judge Rapporteur, Presiding judge), Klaus Loibner (Technically Qualified Judge), Dirk Böttcher, Edger Brinkman Arrangement: CANCELLED Emplacement: Division locale de Mannheim (DE) Hearing address NOTE: The hearing has been cancelled
ACT_545551/2023 UPC_CFI_210/2023 Type: Public oral hearing Date: 08-10-2024 Heure: 10:00 Type d'action: Infringement action Parties: Panasonic Holdings Corporation v. Guandong Oppo a.o. Language of proceeding: German Judge/Panel: Peter Tochtermann (Judge Rapporteur, Presiding judge), Klaus Loibner (Technically Qualified Judge), Dirk Böttcher, Edger Brinkman, Arrangement: Onsite - see guidelines attached Emplacement: Division locale de Mannheim (DE) Hearing address Room O102 Aula (Schloss Ostflügel), Schloss Mannheim, Bismarckstraße, D-68161 Mannheim NOTE: this hearing will be on FRAND
ACT_545551/2023 UPC_CFI_210/2023 and ACT_545615/2023 UPC_CFI_219/2023 Type: Public oral hearing Date: 07-10-2024 Heure: 10:00 Type d'action: Infringement action Parties: Panasonic Holdings Corporation v. Guandong Oppo a.o. / Panasonic Holdings Corporation v. Xiaomi Technology Germany GmbH a.o. Language of proceeding: German Judge/Panel: Peter Tochtermann (Judge Rapporteur, Presiding judge), Klaus Loibner (Technically Qualified Judge), Dirk Böttcher, Edger Brinkman Arrangement: Onsite - see guidelines attached Emplacement: Division locale de Mannheim (DE) Hearing address Room O102 Aula (Schloss Ostflügel), Schloss Mannheim, Bismarckstraße, D-68161 Mannheim NOTE: this hearing will be on TECHNICAL ASPECTS only