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Case details

Case Number: ACT_561734/2023

  • Patent number:

  • Proceeding type: Proceeding

  • Action/Application: Infringement Action

  • Defendants:
    Gucci Sweden AB Represented by Benjamin Schröer
    GG FRANCE SERVICES SAS Represented by Benjamin Schröer
    Marbella Pellami S.p.A. Represented by Benjamin Schröer
    Gucci France SAS Represented by Benjamin Schröer
    Guccio Gucci S.p.A. Represented by Benjamin Schröer
    G Commerce Europe S.p.A. Represented by Benjamin Schröer
    GG Luxury Goods GmbH Represented by Benjamin Schröer
    Gucci Belgium SA Represented by Benjamin Schröer
    Gucci Logistica S.p.A. Represented by Benjamin Schröer

  • Claimants:
    AGFA NV Represented by Kai Rüting

  • Judges:
    Camille Lignieres
    Sabine Klepsch
    Stefan Schilling

  • Court Division: First instance, Local division - Hamburg

  • Date of Formal receipt: 2023-08-16 00:00:00

  • Language of proceeding: Anglais